Muscle gay men photos

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Given that each and every photo on the site is meant to display the models’ musculatures, it’s not surprising that may of them involve fitness activities and bodybuilder poses.īut a good stock photo site needs to represent a variety of situations, which is why Muscle Power also includes scenes of office work…performed shirtless, of course. In the beginning, Akihito himself was the only person preset in the photos, but he’s since brought others with suitable physiques into the fold.

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So if no one else was going to provide them, Akihito figured it was up to him, and so he recently launched Muscle Plus, a free-to-use collection of images of macho, muscular men. No matter how many free-to-use stock photo sites he scoured, none of them had quite what he was looking for. Muscle Plus wants to be your source for muscular images.Īkihito had a problem many modern creative types can relate to.

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